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of the Federal Fiscal Court


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Representations of the judges

The Presidium of the Federal Fiscal Court is a body of judges established under the Judicature Act. In accordance with § 21a of the Judicature Act, it consists of the President and eight judicial members. All judges elect these eight Presidium members from their midst for a term of four years each. The Presidium determines the composition of the senates and distributes the business.

The Presidential Council is a representative body for the participation of the judiciary in the appointment of judges. As defined in § 55 of the German Judiciary Act, it must be involved before every election of a judge and before every appointment of a judge as chairman of the senate. The Presidential Council consists of the President and Vice-President of the Federal Fiscal Court and three other members (§ 54 of the German Judiciary Act). Of the other judicial members, one is elected from among the members of the Presidium and the other two are elected by the judges. The term of office of the Presidential Council is four years.

The Judicial Council is to be involved in the general and social affairs of judges. It is composed of three members elected by the judges for a term of four years.

The Judicial Assembly must be convened for the election of the members of the Judicial Council and the Presidential Council. The Judicial Council may convene an extraordinary Judicial Assembly if required.

Staff representations

The Staff Council is responsible for the non-judicial employees of the Federal Fiscal Court as staff representation. It currently consists of three members representing civil servants and two members representing employees covered by collective agreements. The Staff Council represents the general and social interests of non-judicial staff. It has the right to participate in the recruitment of civil servants and employees covered by collective agreements, in the promotion of civil servants and in the classification and upgrading of employees covered by collective agreements, as well as in dismissals. It submits its activity report at the annual staff meeting.

In accordance with the Severely Disabled Persons Act, the representative of the severely disabled is to be elected by the court's severely disabled persons for a term of four years. He or she must represent the interests of severely disabled persons working in court and provide them with advice and assistance. He or she must be heard particularly in those personnel matters affecting an individual severely disabled person or the severely disabled as a group.

Equal opportunities officer

The Equal opportunities officer has the task of promoting and monitoring the implementation of the Act on Equal Opportunities for Women and Men in the Federal Administration and in federal enterprises and courts as well as the General Equal Treatment Act with regard to the protection of employees from discrimination on grounds of gender, in particular where women are disadvantaged.

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